Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Family history AND a beautiful home!!!!

My family has a history with the
Hunter Valley
do you remember Ambrose and Bridget Rotton?
their Grandson, a few times removed,
Walter Rotton arrived in Sydney,
 via Tasmania, in 1821

He had quite a history
 which is a story for another time
 but he was one of the early settlers
 in a town called Maitland 
and he had a beautiful daughter
 named Jane (Granny Singleton) 
who in 1844 married a gentleman
 named John Singleton
John's father, Benjamin, was one of the first settlers
 in the beautiful Hunter Vally
 and in fact the town of Singleton still carries his name.


I was looking for somewhere to live in Singleton
after all it does have a lot of family history
and I found

 Hamilton Park here

Again, out of our price range at $799.000

it sits on 85 acres (and has horse yards Renee!)

the gardens are spacious

and the pool and it's surrounds

are big enough to cater for my entire family

You guessed it!

it's that red again

but in this instance they have carried the same
colour almost all the way through

with lots of white I don't think it is too heavy, do you?

even the bathroom

Although someone in the family obviously didn't want red!

I have that dressing table and at present I am wondering
if I will paint it white,

I am not sure about the red carpet but heck I'm not going
to be that picky!

I really love this house it has that look of being there for 
a while, I love all the white and the red and most of my
furniture would fit in

Now all I need to do is win the lottery
 so we can have some money to live on



  1. Oooh, Mama! Win the lottery and then this can be me!

  2. Yes PLEASE win the lottery, I can see you in that house, its gorgeous. I only have one question.....who will clean it ??

  3. Yep, I could see you ensconced here. Think you can talk 'em down to what's affordable for you?

  4. As I was reading this, I was thinking you need to play the lottery. What a magnficent house. I can see why you fell in love. OK, sending luck so you can win enough to buy the house and a gardener and cleaning lady!

  5. This is beautiful! So nice, and neat, and tastefully decorated..

  6. Scarlet and white on your blog too!
    Also love the Kempton house - looks gorgeous. My Dad lives in Tasmania and I haven't been yet, so I'm going to add it to my must visit list.


I get such a kick out of your comments so please leave one. Its like finding that extra present under the Christmas tree!


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